12 products
Our quality pyramid
Im Weingut Geheimrat Schnell bieten wir Weine in vier Qualitätsstufen. Gutsweine sind frische, fruchtige Alltagsweine. Ortsweine aus Guntersblum bieten mehr Tiefe. Goldwespen Weine sind elegant und komplex, aus exzellenten Lagen. Die Exklusiv-Linie umfasst Spitzenweine aus besonderen Parzellen, die durch Handarbeit und lange Reife höchste Qualität erreichen.

Ecology in the vineyard
We focus on maintaining and strengthening natural soil fertility with greening measures. The diversity of flowering plants creates habitat for beneficial organisms and thus increases the biodiversity of our cultural landscape. The vines are only fertilized with organic fertilizers and only naturally occurring plant strengtheners such as copper or sulfur are used for plant protection. Manual work when thinning the grapes and removing leaves from the grape zone increases the natural resistance of the grapes.
The big goal is to be able to completely do without plant protection in the future with new, fungus-resistant grape varieties, such as the Johanniter. With these diverse, gentle measures, the organic winemaker obtains healthy grapes, which are the basis for excellent wines.
Ecology in the basement
Sustainable management continues in the cellar of the Geheimrat Schnell winery. During the winemaking process, Johann Schnell intervenes as little as possible and only as much as necessary in order to produce top-quality wines from excellent, healthy grapes: He only uses wooden barrels to mature the wines and avoids genetically modified additives. And once the wines are in the barrel, he gives them plenty of time to develop and mature.
Holistically sustainable
For Johann Schnell, saving energy, using water responsibly and taking back empty bottles are just as much a part of organic viticulture as using natural corks. For him, nature conservation is not just a matter of his own front door: the cultural landscape of the Spanish and Portuguese cork oak forests - winter quarters for many birds - is threatened by the increasing use of plastic "corks".